1.used for introducing the first thing in a list of things you are going to say
2.before or during the first part of an activity or process
1.For people who are just starting with strength training, bodyweight is often more than enough to begin with.
2.That's at least twice for each iteration, and the exact number of iterations through the list will depend how ordered it was to begin with.
3.Jobs has been subject to extravagant cheerleading, and it's not as if he was overendowed with a sense of humility to begin with.
4.To begin with, he seems to have created a straw man that bears little relation to the true assumptions made by evolutionary psychologists.
5.Now that it's splitsville, people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with.
6.But the fact that the Church was slow to canonise this remarkable man suggests that to begin with it did not accept his version of events.
7.Well, to begin with, we're going to have to get a new desk for you and I'd like to replace that old typewriter.
8.The time now a lot, but I do not know where to begin with, often have nothing to say.
9.Maybe she was never a panda hugger to begin with. Maybe she was trying to give the panda the finger.
10.And I'm going to be talking, to begin with, as I said, about diarrheal disease organisms.